Hailey Whitters Captures the Loneliness That Follows Loss In Heart-Wrenching New Song, ‘Casseroles’

Hailey Whitters drops her first solo release in nearly two years with “Casseroles,” out now via Pigasus Records / Big Loud Records / Songs & Daughters. The platinum-selling singer/songwriter, who’s generally known for her love-filled, uplifting tunes, is now bringing tears to her listeners through the mournful narrative penned by Hillary Lindsey, Tom Douglas and James Slater.

She fully embraces the storyline with her signature Iowa-bred vocals while illustrating the immense loneliness that lies within grief of losing a partner. Whitters’ acts as the narrator, overlooking the journey of a man who realizes he’s now tasked with facing the world on his own and is scared to know what life will look like once his community of supporters stops coming by to pay their respects.

“Oh those ol’ six strings keep strumming/ And those wild winged hummingbirds keep humming/ I don’t know how but this world keeps on turning/ And love keeps on loving/ After the casseroles stop coming,” she sings on the chorus.

Hailey Whitters; Casseroles
Hailey Whitters; Casseroles

Upon hearing the heaviness of the song for the first time, the songstress was met with a rush of emotions as she thought back to the death of her brother and all the pain that came along with that unexpected loss.

Discussing the sentiment behind the new single, Whitters shares, “I was sent this record from three of my favorite collaborators who’ve written many songs that have defined the foundation of my appreciation for modern country music — Hillary Lindsey, Tom Douglas and James Slater. During my first listen, I was absolutely floored. I lost my brother suddenly thirteen years ago, and from that moment on, my life was changed forever.”

She continues, “I particularly remember everyone bringing loads of food and casseroles over and how I couldn’t eat for days because I was so distraught. Remembering that moment was what made this song hit so heavy for me. What happens when the casseroles stop coming and everyone has moved on, but it feels like you never will? As heavy and somber as the lyric and melody is, I also think there’s hope in the message and pray that it lands between ears that need to hear it.”

“Casseroles” follows Whitters’ critically-acclaimed 2023 EP I’m In Love.” Since this project, she has collaborated with Max McNownEvan Honer and Brooks & Dunn

Hailey Whitters is currently set to perform at the inaugural Sand in My Boots festival on May 16 and at Under the Big Sky Music Festival from July 18 to 20.

The post Hailey Whitters Captures the Loneliness That Follows Loss In Heart-Wrenching New Song, ‘Casseroles’ appeared first on Country Now.


