Category Archives: Karen West

Two Guys Without A Clue

As Reba recently joked at the ACMs, “it takes one woman to do the job of two men.” True in this case too! Haha!Read More

Good Friday

WIshing you and your family and friends a blessed Good Friday and Easter weekend. With love, Karen  Read More

Space Aliens? Or Just A Pretty Cloud? You Decide!

Hmmmm. It’s pretty, tho! Odd ‘cloud’ seen over the skies of AZ, CA, Mexico Viewers have reported seeing an odd “cloud” in the sky on Monday night, as they looked to the west. Throughout the night, FOX 10 Phoenix has received photos and video from people in Phoenix, Yuma, as well as Coachell, Menifee and…Read More

Happy Motivation Monday!

Photographer somehow gets 30 dogs all to pose for the camera !! — Welcome To Nature (@welcomet0nature) March 25, 2018Read More