Category Archives: Cash

Giant Grizzly Bear Chases Hikers In Montana. ~ CASH {Watch}

Giant Grizzly Bear Chases Hikers In Montana. ~ CASH {Watch}

Listen, I’m not sure I wouldn’t have done the same thing. Also, it looks like they have a big enough head start to really get ahead of the man-eating bear. A human is a fine meal for a bear. I’m kidding, I think??? Ever since I watched DiCaprio in “The Revenant”, it hasn’t been the…Read More

Nebraska Man Demands Justice Over Boneless Wing Controversy. ~ CASH {Watch}

Nebraska Man Demands Justice Over Boneless Wing Controversy. ~ CASH {Watch}

Hey, if you’re passionate about something, do something about it. Kind of like this guy did. Can we get a virtual round of applause for Lincoln, Nebraska native Ander Christensen? Why not show up to a city council meeting and voice your concerns regarding different topics. The dumb stuff I’ve seen folks bring to the…Read More

The World’s Most Expensive Sheep Sold For How Much? ~ CASH {Watch}

The World’s Most Expensive Sheep Sold For How Much? ~ CASH {Watch}

I’m sorry, you paid how much for the sheep? You must’ve really wanted the sheep, “baaaaaaaaaaad.” See what I did there? What makes this sheep so valuable? Wait, hold on a second, that was harsh. What I should’ve said was, that’s one fine-looking animal worth every penny. But 500G’s? That’s a lot of money! Double…Read More

Crazy Kite Flying Accident Sends 3-Year-Old Flying! ~ CASH {Watch}

Crazy Kite Flying Accident Sends 3-Year-Old Flying! ~ CASH {Watch}

And she’s OK! What just happened here?!?! Remember that kid in Colorado that got caught in that weird balloon and then out of nowhere the kid’s Dad was like, “I made it up, he was never in the balloon.” What a bum, right? This, though, this is terrible! Can you imagine being the parents of…Read More

24-Year-Old McD’s Burger and Fries Hasn’t Aged A Bit! ~ CASH {Watch}

24-Year-Old McD’s Burger and Fries Hasn’t Aged A Bit! ~ CASH {Watch}

Anytime someone starts a story about storing McD’s in a shoebox or in a coat pocket, I automatically start thinking, is this person crazy??? Then, I usually confirm my first stance on their mental stance. I’m kidding. But seriously, who stores an McD’s burger and fries in a shoebox? I’m not sure, but it makes…Read More