Category Archives: Cash

Woman’s Happy Dance After Job Offer Goes Viral. ~ CASH {Watch}

Woman’s Happy Dance After Job Offer Goes Viral. ~ CASH {Watch}

Any chance you get to do the happy dance, do it! Man, these are the best moments in life. When someone is so impressed with your skill set that they offer to pay you for your services. She plays is really cool until she steps outside in between both vehicles. Does a little, look left,…Read More

Socially Distanced Haunted Car Wash Opens in Ohio. ~ CASH {Watch}

Socially Distanced Haunted Car Wash Opens in Ohio. ~ CASH {Watch}

If we had one of these in Hampton Roads, I would go to it every other day. At least I’m pretty sure I would. This is awesome! Everywhere I look I see folks attempting to save Halloween. I’ve seen some pretty creative candy shoot polls some people have made to avoid contact with potential ghosts,…Read More