Category Archives: Cash

Australian Fisherman Battles with Massive Gator! ~ CASH {Watch}

Australian Fisherman Battles with Massive Gator! ~ CASH {Watch}

Crikey!!! You’ve got a real monster there, mate! I’ve always wanted to go to Australia. Then, I got older and started reading about all the horrifying snakes, gators, spiders, and who knows what all else is lurking in the outback??? I’ll watch documentaries in the meantime. No, listen, my cousin spent a month in Australia…Read More

9-Months Pregnant, Lady Runs A Mile In Under 6 Minutes! ~ CASH {Pic}

9-Months Pregnant, Lady Runs A Mile In Under 6 Minutes! ~ CASH {Pic}

You go, girl! That’s 9-months-pregnant thank you very much. I’m not pregnant at all and I’ve never been able to run a mile in under 6 minutes. If I had to try and remember, I think my best mile time is…maybe 8 and some change? That was years ago! She’s not messing around here. Makenna…Read More

Steve Byrne talks “The Opening Act” with Cash & Carly! {Listen}

Steve Byrne talks “The Opening Act” with Cash & Carly! {Listen}

“The Opening Act” is out today! Steve Byrne wrote and directed “The Opening Act.” Steve was kind enough to spend some time with Cash & Carly to talk about his new film, the comedy scene, and life in 2020. Here’s a brief synopsis of the film. “THE OPENING ACT” SYNOPSIS: Will Chu (Jimmy O. Yang)…Read More

Dogs Crazy Howl is Taking Over The Internet. ~ CASH {Listen}

Dogs Crazy Howl is Taking Over The Internet. ~ CASH {Listen}

Hey, whatdya yelling at? This is what it takes to go viral, folks. You’ve gotta have a weird issue that folks want to examine. Like this poor dog’s crazy howl. I mean, what’s going on here? Get this dog a throat lozenge or something! Someone online had a great point in regards to our dog…Read More