Category Archives: Cash

Were Will’s Jokes Too Much For Amanda? | Second Date Update!

Were Will’s Jokes Too Much For Amanda? | Second Date Update!

Amanda met Will at a cooking class. I can’t remember if this is the first time someone has met someone else at a cooking class. We’ve had a few painting classes that found love, but cooking? Amanda said they met up for dinner and Norfolk and things went pretty well. Amanda did mention that she…Read More

Crazy Calls From the 911 Dispatch! {Listen}

Crazy Calls From the 911 Dispatch! {Listen}

Give the cops a break, will yah? They’re out there trying to capture bad guys, the last thing they need is to be inconvenienced by some Karen or Ken who can’t figure it out. You would be surprised at some of the more unusual reasons folks reach out to the cops. We’re going to highlight…Read More

Melissa Chase Was Bitten By a Shark. Here’s Her Story. {Listen}

Melissa Chase Was Bitten By a Shark. Here’s Her Story. {Listen}

It’s Shark Week! Former Virginian, Melissa Chase was minding her own business three years ago in North Carolina when a man-hungry shark decided to take a chunk out of her ankle. The crazy experience landed her on shark week and now she’s sharing her story with us! Thanks, Melissa. Cash Warren · Melissa Chase “Shark…Read More

Whale Breaches, Lands On Some Guy’s Fishing Boat! {Watch}

Whale Breaches, Lands On Some Guy’s Fishing Boat! {Watch}

One of these days, someone is going to get too close to one of these water beasts and something crazy is going to happen. I don’t know what, but it will! If you’re sitting there scratching your head because you have no idea what I’m talking about, a humpback whale breached out of the water…Read More