Zach Bryan Kicks Out Fan Who Yanks His Guitar At Recent Concert [WATCH]

Zach Bryan wasn’t having it when a fan tried to grab his guitar out of his hand at a recent concert.

In a video shared on TikTok, Bryan walks through the audience with his security detail in tow.  While most fans try to get a handshake from the country star, one decided to reach out and try to grab his guitar.  This didn’t sit well with Bryan, who turned to his security and told them “Hey, get her outta here”

The video is captioned, “When you try and take @Zach Bryan guitar and end up getting kicked out. Glad I was able to get this video!”

Watch on TikTok

Fans took to the comment section in support of the singer with one fan writing, “I meannn it’s a Gibson J-45 knowing the value of that guitar she just tried to yank, good reason to get annoyed.”

Another joked, “She saw the tiktok vid of him handing one of his guitars out and thought he’d let it slide”

One user commented in support of the girl saying, “why’d he get mad like that? it didn’t even leave his hands lmao”

Bryan has been known to hand out guitars, but wait for him to offer it…don’t try to take it!

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