Lindsay Ell recently helped a classroom of fourth-grade students write a song!
Lindsay teamed up with the CMA Foundation to celebrate March as Music in Our Schools Month. She took part in a zoom where she helped the aspiring songwriters get started.
She began the lesson by telling the kids that the “first step to writing a song is choosing a topic.” From there, kids selected lyrics about staying together while learning apart amid the coronavirus pandemic. “2020 got deep/ Millions of people were crying/ But we won’t give up/ We’ll keep on trying/ We will all get through this.”
Lindsay shared the heartwarming video saying, “LOVED getting to write songs w the 4th-grade kids from Mt View Elementary
…couldn’t think of a better way to kick off Music In Our Schools Month than to share this video from the amazing 4th-grade songwriting class I met a few weeks ago with the @Cmafoundation.”
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