Jason Aldean Responds to Fantasy Football Punishment at His Nashville Bar

Fantasy football is all fun and games—until you come in last place. While winners often walk away with bragging rights and cash prizes, the losers aren’t always so lucky. Over the weekend, Tennessee Titans fan Nathan Cisco discovered just how creative punishments can get when he served his sentence at Jason Aldean’s bar on Broadway in Nashville.

The rules of this “punishment”? Nathan had to stay inside the bar from 10 a.m. until closing at 3 a.m. However, there was a way to shave some time off his stay. Each Rumple shot earned him an hour off, and every beer knocked off 30 minutes.

Some fans questioned whether hanging out at a bar all day was really punishment and Nathan clarified that the pain comes with the “tab comes out.”

Luckily, Jason got wind of Nathan’s predictment and he sent over the first round on the house. The bar staff also made sure Nathan was taken care of with a steak dinner later in the night.

Nathan updated everyone the next day to share that he made it home safely.


