Walker Hayes Shares Special Moment With Fan With Autism: “Your Joy is Infectious”

A Walker Hayes fan shared an unforgettable night with his favorite singer.

Matt is a fan of both Hayes and Applebee’s and a sweet video of him recently went viral. In the clip, Matt’s former first-grade teacher, Tara Tuchel, takes him out to his favorite restaurant for his birthday and surprises him with a “Fancy Like” shirt.

Tara wrote, “Matt is my former student. He has autism and I’ve known him since he was in 1st grade. Matt loooooves @walkerhayes song “Fancy Like” so much. Like, obsessed..in a great way!”

“How could we not celebrate his birthday at @applebees ?!” she continued. “May we all receive a gift in our lifetime that puts as much joy on our face as Matt had on his when opening this T-shirt!!! This kid is just awesome.”

We agree!  The clip went viral and caught the attention of Walker and Applebees who arranged for a meet and greet with Walker at a show Matt was already attending.

Check out the video of Matt finding out he’s going to meet Walker.

On the day of the meet and greet, Matt walks in and Walker immediately recognizes him.  The country singer tells him, “I know it’s you. You’re my favorite video all year, of you in Applebee’s. Seriously, I watched you 1,000 times.”

Walker continued, “I shared your video with at least 100 people.”

Tara shared a clip of the pair meeting saying, “The video speaks for itself. Walker showed not only compassion and a genuine interest in Matt, but he also made Matt feel like a long time friend. Thank you @walkerhayes for being you and making Matt’s dream come true. It’s a testament to the type of human being you are. You are truly the one of the good ones..”

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