Pistol Annie’s Ashley Monroe Finishes Chemo Treatment; Rings Bell {WATCH}

Pistol Annie’s member Ashley Monroe has officially undergone her last chemotherapy treatment for a rare blood cancer.

Monroe was diagnosed with a rare type of blood cancer called Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia (WM), also known as lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma, and revealed the news this past summer in a heartfelt Instagram post.

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A post shared by Ashley Monroe (@ashleymonroemusic)

In a video shared to Twitter, Ashley celebrated the end of treatment by ringing the end of chemo bell.

“Ring a ling a ling a ding dong ding… My last chemo is done! Merry Christmas everyone,” she shared. “Thank you for praying for me . I felt them more than you know. I’ve never been more thankful. Ready to come back like never before in 2022!”



