In October 2020, I found this awesome (yet super tacky) dress at a thrift store. I think technically it’s actually a ballroom dance competition dress since it has a leotard built in- ha! Anyways, this coming weekend I’m going to a 1980s themed wedding reception. As soon as I was invited, I knew this thrift store dress would be the perfect thing to wear. I remember taking a few selfies in the dress last year when I brought it home, so I was looking for those pictures over the weekend to send to someone to show what I’m wearing for this event.
In finding these selfies from last year, I discovered that in true 2020 fashion I was wearing a face mask in all of the photos. Here’s the kicker though: these photos of me trying on the dress were taken in my own home!! I was alone in my bedroom at the time I took them. Why do I have a mask on? Did I think my cat Delilah might give me COVID? Haha!! I was all for masking up in public in 2020 and most definitely had a mask on in the store when I bought the dress… but why I had one on my face when I was trying it on alone at home, I have no clue. I sure had a good laugh!! File this up there with pictures of toilet paper and watching Tiger King! #Just2020Things