Granger Smith’s Wife Amber Shares ‘Hurtful, Cruel’ She Receives Over Son’s Death

Granger Smith and his wife Amber just welcomed a baby boy named Maverick on Friday, August 20.  This should be a moment of joy for the couple,  instead they have received ‘cruel and hurtful’ messages from followers.

Two years ago, the couple’s 3-year-old son River died in a tragic drowning accident and Amber took to Instagram to share examples of the messages she receives over her son’s death.

“I never like to give these people more attention than they deserve, but it’s just a reminder that we live in a dark world where people judge one another [and] say the most hurtful, cruel things,” she wrote on her Tuesday, August 24, Instagram Story.

Via AmberEmilySmith/Instagram

“Please, think before you type or speak your opinion.” Amber encouraged her Instagram followers to “choose to be the light,” writing, “Know who you are in Christ Jesus so when flaming darts come your way you are wearing the armor of God. Not today, Satan.”

Amber Bartlett

kathy hutchins


