This Is The Greatest Trick Shot in The History of Man! ~ CASH {Video}

When there aren’t any sports on television, guys have to try and find a way to entertain themselves.

We’ve all seen the videos. You know, the guy on the top of a giant building then he throws a basketball down 90 stories and swishes the basketball hoop down in the parking lot. There are YouTube videos that feature trick shots. It’s pretty darn entertaining. The closest I’ve ever had to make a trick shot was when I eagled hole 17 at Desert Lakes Golf Course. Thankfully, my good friend Dan Carter was there to witness it. If you asked him now, I’m sure he would say that he forgets. But it happened all right. My eagle on hole 17 is nothing compared to this guy.

At first, I thought, there’s no way! Then, I watched it again and again and sure enough, this guy is a legend! The real question is, how many shot attempts did it take for this guy to sink the greatest golf trick shot in the history of man? We may never know???

Let’s see you top this.


