Fitness Equipment for Christmas: Would You Be Happy or Insulted? {Poll}

By now, you’ve read the backlash about an ad that shows a woman receiving an exercise bike from her husband for Christmas…and her yearlong journey towards her own health goals. I’ve seen the ad a billion times during my Hallmark Christmas Movie binging. After the first half dozen times, it just annoyed me.


Some people think it’s unrealistic or offensive, others would totally divorce the husband based on his gift giving skills.

Honestly, I would love an exercise bike for Christmas…especially if it were an expensive one. 😉 Nope, wouldn’t bother me at all. I workout mainly to feel good and have more energy anyway, so…

But seriously I understand we all have different perspectives about the ad and honestly, I understand every last one of them. You be you!

So…how would you feel if you received exercise equipment or a gym membership for Christmas? Happy? Or insulted? – KW

What if you received exercise equipment for Christmas? Would you be



No big deal

Created with PollMaker


