Stuff to Look Forward to In March

I don’t know about you, but the shortest month of the year felt like it dragged on for 8 weeks. Hey February! Don’t let the door hit ya….HAHA!

So, who’s with me?

Anyway, here are some good things to look forward to in March! YAY!!!

1. We set the clocks forward an hour on March 10th. You might lose an hour of sleep, but HEY! More daylight at the end of your workday, right?
2. Spring arrives on March 20th! Bring on the pedicures and sandals!
3. St. Patricks Day! (only drawback: it falls on a Sunday. If you think ahead, you can make it a three day weekend!)
4. New movies in theaters: Marvel’s “Captain Marvel” and Jordan Peele’s new thriller “Us”
5. NATIONAL PUPPY DAY on March 23rd!

Can you think of any more reasons to celebrate March? – KW

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